Hunger Report

The Capital Area Food Bank has found great value in these data for informing our work and strategy. We have also seen the powerful ways in which collaboration and information-sharing can create positive outcomes at scale for our neighbors. Accordingly, we have published a cross-section of the results from the 2022 survey as an appendix to the Hunger Report for the benefit of those who are interested in engaging with this research more deeply.
Survey Methodology
The survey that forms the basis for the 2022 Hunger Report was conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago. Staff from NORC at the University of Chicago and CAFB collaborated on all aspects of the study. Interviews were conducted between February 4, 2022 and March 2, 2022 with 3,769 adults ages 18 and older in the D.C. metropolitan area.
Data for the probability-based sample were collected using a multi-mode address based (or ABS) approach. Those excluded from the sample include unhoused people, people with P.O. Box-only addresses, some addresses not listed in the USPS Delivery Sequence File, and some newly constructed dwellings.
All sampled households were mailed a postcard inviting them to complete the survey, either online using a unique PIN, or via telephone by calling a toll-free number. Probability interviews were conducted online and over the phone, with 221 completing via telephone and 3,548 completing via web. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish, and respondents were offered a monetary incentive (either $5 or $10, based on the Census propensity to respond metric) for completing the survey. Quality assurance checks were conducted to ensure data quality.
Survey Results
Given the local focus of many of CAFB’s partner and peer organizations, the data below are filtered and organized by county or city. Any requests for additional information from the survey can be shared with CAFB’s Director of Strategic Initiatives, Sabrina Tadele, at